
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction


Monday, February 14, 2022

Fearless (2016) Shira Glassman

FearlessLana Novak is okay being divorced, as she and her ex-husband were finally able to admit who they were to each other–and the world. Although neither of their parents are enthused, their kids are fine with it, so when Lana develops a crush on one of the high school conductors / teachers, she wonders if maybe she is brave enough to show her interest.

Lana was also a musician before becoming a wife and mother, and misses playing–but picking up a violin again is just as terrifying as asking out a woman she’s interested in.

I liked the music bits, although I did feel like Lana was a bit too perfect as a mother. It wasn’t awful, I just had a hard time believing it. (Which may tell you more about me than the story.)

I did absolutely adore a conversation about Old Time music.

“But I do get a chance to play sometimes— it’s not a symphony, but I can usually find old-timey jams here and there. Weekends, Monday nights, house parties on the holidays, or people’s birthdays.”

“What’s old-timey?” asked Lana. Her throat was getting dry from all the whispering, so she took another sip of the English Breakfast at her feet.

“The predecessor of bluegrass,” Mel explained. “Irish and Scottish fiddle met African banjo traditions in the Appalachians, and hundreds of years later, voila, you have fifteen people on folding chairs in someone’s backyard.”

It was cute, but I’m not sure I’d seek out another story.

Rating: 6/10

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