
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Lessons in Power

Monday, February 14, 2022

Lessons in Power (2009) Charlie Cochrane (Cambridge Fellows)

Lessons in PowerSet in England in 1907

Orlando is not best pleased when Matthew Ainslie visits–he and Jonty are settling into their new home–but is willing to listen to what the man wants.

What he wants is for Orlando and Jonty to look into the murder of which his ex was accused–and the murdered man was one of Jonty’s boarding school abusers.

CW/TW: There are multiple references to Jonty’s rape by two older boys and the collusion of the house master in the repeated assaults.

Also, the death of a teenager in suspicious circumstances.

Nothing suspicious in it at all. Such a terrible tragedy, Nicholls falling onto such a sharp blade.

One of the interesting things about the story and characters is that Jonty wants to take on the case, regardless of how much trauma the victim had caused him in the past–and how much of an unsavory character the accused was.

The truth must be served, Helena, whether it leads to pain or gain.”

Parts of the story are difficult to read, but we do see Jonty continuing to (slowly) deal with his past.

Publisher: Lume Books
Rating: 7/10


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