
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Eidolon

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Eidolon (2023) K.D. Edwards (Magnus Academy)

The EidolonThis story occurs in parallel to The Hourglass Throne, the third book in The Tarot Sequence.

We discover what happened to Max, Quinn, and Anna when they were kidnapped by Lady Time.

I truly have no idea if you could read this story without having read the Tarot sequence. As a story it stands on its own, but I am not sure if lack of knowledge about the world would be a problem or not.

Of course, I think you should read the entire Tarot Sequence, because it’s marvelous, so once you read that series you’ll already know the world building.

Quinn is an exceedingly difficult character as he is a seer, and past and possible future all exist in his memory, which is exceedingly complicated. I was pleased that I had a far better understanding of Quinn and his gifts as his portion of the story progressed.

Max is far less complicated to portray, but no less important to the story and the series. And I just enjoyed seeing the world from Anna’s point of view.

All three teens have been through a great deal, but you can see their friendship beginning to solidify into a bond that will support them.

This is an excellent story, and makes me grumpy I will have to wait so long for the next installment of this series.

Rating: 8.5/10


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