
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Murder on the Lamplight Express

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Murder on the Lamplight Express (2023) Morgan Stang (The Lamplight Murder Mysteries)

Murder on the Lamplight ExpressLike the previous book, this story is delightful.

The sequel to Murder at Spindle Manor finds Isabeau Agarwal and her partner racing to catch a train. Literally, as they Isabeau received her orders to “ensure the safety of all passengers and crew until point of destination” on the Lamplight Express too late to board the train at the station.

This story is a combination of tropes and ideas: Ten Little Murder Victims, Frankenstein, creepy dolls, and more.

Discovery: Indonesia and the Philippines have very similar, very disturbing vampires. The penanggalan and the manananggal are almost the same, but with the penanggalan being slightly more creepy and disturbing.

It’s also written with multiple comic scenes.

Everyone stood about, waiting for something to happen.

“To berths thirteen and fourteen!” said Isabeau, and the entire group raced back through the train.

“Stop chasing and I’ll stop running!” yelled back Mrs Peafowl as she threw random objects into the hall from rooms in desperate attempts to slow her pursuers. What amazed Isabeau is it seemed to be working. People tripped over umbrellas and coat hangers and ran into open doors.

It is ridiculous, but in an over-the-top way that amused me.

One thing that pleased me was bringing up what I found to be a weak point in the previous story.

“Did you lie to me then, when we last met? About the doppelvyrm. About failing to hunt it.”

“Yes,” said Isabeau, almost gasping the answer. She blinked again, a tear falling down her cheek.

“We figured as much,” said Lady Constellation.

It was fun and silly and I very much enjoyed it.

Despite the super creepy vampires and dolls.

Rating: 8.5/10


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