
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Thrown to the Wolves

Monday, April 15, 2024

Thrown to the Wolves (2019) Charlie Adhara (Big Bad Wolf)

Thrown To The WolvesCooper meets Oliver’s family. It goes worse than expected. And one was expecting it to go badly, what with it being a funeral.

Cooper put the guidebook down and cleared his throat. This was getting ridiculous. “Did you tell them I was coming?”

Park blinked slowly, like he’d been dragged from deep in thought. “Yes, of course,” he said after a long moment. Then, “Don’t be nervous.”

“I’m not,” Cooper said. Well, I wasn’t until you said that.

Boogie had been even quieter than usual during the ride, completely shut down by her unfair captivity. She squinted at him now through the bars before looking away, as if the very sight of him disgusted her. In other words, the traveling hadn’t seemed to affect her usual personality.

I now know precisely the kind of looks Boogie gives Cooper.

Publisher: Carina Press

Rating: 8.5/10


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