
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Blood Pact

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Blood Pact (1993) Tanya Huff

Surprisingly, I like Blood Pact a lot more than Blood Lines, the last book, although it was quite different than the previous four. In this book they battle not magic, but science: a group of researchers are reanimating the dead.

I say surprisingly because the researchers were creating zombies. Vicki, Mike, and Henry kept speaking of Dr. Frankenstein, but really, it was zombies.

I HATE zombies.

Luckily, the zombies weren’t going around eating people’s brains, and the fact that we were given a (however limited) point of view of the reanimated dead helped make reading about them easier.

I particularly liked that we got to see Henry’s worst fears come true. Not that I liked seeing bad thing happen to Henry, but it was quite interesting. And I’m curious as to whether she talked to scientists about feasibility of what was done in this book. Nothing struck me as unreasonable, however, there were a couple of things that I wondered about.

(rot 13)
Nf va, jbhyq gur fpvragvfgf ernyyl unir ernpgrq gur jnl gurl qvq gb Urael? Gurl ner tvira n inzcver, naq gurve ernpgvba frrzrq fhecevfvatyl fhoqhrq. Bs pbhefr, gurl jrer nyernql cerggl sne bss gur qrrc raq, fb creuncf nqqvat n inzcver gb gur zvk jnf whfg bar zber qrgnvy gb gurz ng gung cbvag.

Naq V unq n qvssvphyg gvzr oryvrivat gung bayl Qnavry (gur fhccbfrqyl harguvpny zrzore bs gur tebhc) jbhyq unir ceboyrzf jvgu gur snpg gung bar bs gurve perngvbaf unq xvyyrq fbzrbar. Be, gb ybbx ng vg nabgure jnl… Vs bayl Qnavry unq ceboyrzf jvgu gur harkcrpgrq qrngu, gura jul qvq Qe Ohexr ybfr vg nsgre Qnavry’f qrngu, rfcrpvnyyl fvapr fur unq nyernql pbyq-oybbqrqyl xvyyrq Ivpxv’f zbgure?

The story moved quickly and I couldn’t put the book down–she did so many things to the characters that I simply had to finish the book. It was one of those times when I got completely sucked into the tale, regardless of whether I liked what was happening or not.

Although there is a fifth book in this series, I looked over the reviews and am going to pass. This is exactly how I expected the series to end. I don’t think I care to read more about these characters, especially considering most of the reviews I read, and the fact that the fifth book was written four years after this book. I liked how this book ends–it’s the end to the series I’d been expecting since the first book–and I’d rather not read another book like Blood Lines that would ruin the whole series for me.
Rating: 7/10

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