
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Kitty Goes to Washington

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Kitty Goes to Washington (2006) Carrie Vaughn

The best thing about supernatural fantasies are the fact that they’re quick reads and a lot of fun.

Kitty Goes to Washington takes off where Kitty and the Midnight Hour left off. Kitty is on her own now, separated from her pack and unable to return to her home. She’s doing her radio show in a different location every week, and having a pretty good time doing it. But she gets a surprise when she’s subpoenaed to appear before the Senate on a hearing on paranaturals.

One of the things I like best about Kitty is that things are not easy for her. Being a rogue werewolf isn’t easy for her, and she’s at loose ends as to where she’s going to live. It almost makes up for the fact that she’s blonde and beautiful.

As with the previous book, I really enjoyed this story. The pace was fast, and the story frequently went in an unexpected direction, which I always like.

Not much to say otherwise. It’s a good solid book, and fun to read. Though you’ll want to read the other book first.
Rating: 7/10

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