Random (but not really)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Cat Blogging

Here’s some Friday Cat blogging, partially as apology for all the cranky and lack of blogging earlier this week.

We let Kat hang out on the porch with us. He often tries to bolt out the door when the weather is nice, so on occasion we put him on a leash and let him hang out on the porch. Being the cat he is, the first thing he does as soon as he makes it out the door is to stop, drop, and roll in whatever dirt/dust/pollen/whatever he can find.

I assume this is because he is partially white.

Written by Michelle at 5:19 pm    

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Categories: Cats  

Forgetting Something?

Some guy just walked past my house wearing extremely white tennis shoes, what looked to be a pair of white boxers, and nothing else.

Neverminding the fact it’s only 62 F out here, that is really strange, even for Morgantown.

Written by Michelle at 3:15 pm    

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Categories: Non-Sequiturs  

How Is Michelle Today?

(skulks into office)

(closes and locks door)

(slouches down in chair)

ADDENDUM the First:
Michael and I are going out to lunch, and then we aren’t coming back.

Hopefully a long lunch, perhaps a drink or too, and then maybe browsing the bookstore or else sitting on the front porch reading will do the trick.

ADDENDUM the Second:
Went out to lunch and had a foofy drink (something coconut flavored and with fruit) and my favorite lunch (pecan crusted chicken salad with dried cranberries. Yum!) had chocolatey dessert, went and bought some good chocolate at Slight Indulgence, and came home to discover that the third (of three) Serenity comic was here.

So I’ve been sitting on the deck reading since I got home.

I still may need more chocolate, but I am much better than I was earlier. Thanks for all your suggestions.

Now I believe I have some more reading to do. And some double chocolate cookies to eat.

Written by Michelle at 8:00 am    

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Categories: Depression  

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Geeky Web Design Ranting and Rambling

Because I was already in a bad mood, I decided to poke at the css on my splash page for my site.

(It may get technical from here, so if you don’t give a rat’s patootie about web design, just go admire my splash page, look at some of the book pages, and then come back and lie to me and tell me how lovely they are.)

First, I discovered that when I first created the page I made things harder on myself than I needed to. This was fixed, and so the next revamp should be a tad easier, primarily if I make further layout changes involving the menus. (Instead of placing all the menu items in a single box and just moving that, I was moving each item individually, figuring out each time how much each box had to move. This was… annoying.)

Second, I really truly deeply despise Internet Explorer. I’ve known since I first created my css menus that they wouldn’t work with IE. So I just made sure that the main menus would allow people to access a page from which they could visit the other pages. Not a problem, and no one would know what they were missing unless they’d first looked at the page in a real browser.

My book pages are a bit more problematic. If you visit my fantasy page in any browser except IE (or a really old browser like Netscape 4) you get the nice css menus at the top of the page. Now I admit that the font size of the css menus is off in Safari, but they at least they work. When IE7 came out, I thought that some of these problems would be fixed.

No. My css menus still don’t work properly in IE7, and to add insult to injury, on the splash page they work a tiny bit, in that the sub menus appear, but you can’t actually select any choice other than the top.

And then there’s the fact that the links footer, which is simply a box within a box, doesn’t layout properly in IE6. Even though I’m not even doing anything strange with the code there.

All of which is just maddening. I don’t really want to make an IE only version of my front page, but if it’s going to look half-assed, I don’t see as how I have much choice.

So, like I said: I hate IE. And I wish I had the power to make the computers of Bill Gates and every other jackass who maintains IE EXPLODE with just the power of my mind.

I’m sure that would make me feel much better.

Now I think I need to go eat chocolate ice cream or something.

Written by Michelle at 9:16 pm    

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Categories: Computers & Technology  


This didn’t help any.

Written by Michelle at 4:22 pm    

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Categories: Uncategorized  

Things Have Changed

I’m now tired and cranky.

(stomps off)

Written by Michelle at 8:00 am    

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Categories: Depression  

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Beware: I am in an extremely cranky mood.

So don’t look at me funny or I’ll snap.

Written by Michelle at 7:17 pm    

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Categories: Depression  

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Further Adventures of Tom Thumb

Everyone knows the story of Tom Thumb. Some even know that it was Tom Thumb’s father who first said, “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.”

What is less well know are Tom’s exploits as a young adult in the years before he met, courted, and then married Thumbelina. (What? You didn’t know that? That’ll teach you to believe everything you read in fairy tales.)

You’d think the incident with the fish would have taught him a lesson, yet Tom decided to take to sea, and signed on with a pirate ship. Tom and his pet Raven acted as watch, ranging out to find booty ships. (There wasn’t a British Navy at that point, so for true adventure everyone know you had to become a pirate). For a couple of years they traveled far and wide, and eventually ended up pillaging the coast of the Orient.

This turned out to be a mistake as the Chinese ships were apparently made of sterner stuff that the Occidental ships they have been pillaging. The Captain and the First Mate were beheaded, and much of the rest of the crew were sold into slavery. However the cook, the Second Mate (who was a wizard at languages and quickly learned enough of the local lingo to converse with their captives, [and told them many tales, some of which may even have been true]), and Tom caught the attention of the Chinese captain and they were placed directly into his service.

The cook, whose talents had been wasted on the pirate captain, soon became close friends with Chinese Captain’s cook; together they created a fusion cuisine whose like would become popular centuries later in the New World–a land yet unknown except to the natives, and some Norsemen who weren’t sharing their secrets with anyone.

Tom, however, fascinated not just the captain, but the entire ship. With some small assistance from the Second Mate, Tom (who could already speak Raven) soon learned how to converse with the locals himself.

Upon learning that Tom considered himself something of a brawler, the Captain proposed a match between Tom and one of the members of the local rat population. After Tom handily won the bout, the Captain had made for him a sword and warriors outfit, and allowed Tom–from a safe height–to train with his warriors.

Soon, news of Tom’s exploits moved up the coast, and the Captain took to the seas again, this time to display Tom to the local Magistrates and then Provincial Governors. Eventually, Tom’s fame spread even across the sea, and they received a request to visit the Emperor of Japan.

Tom’s performance so delighted the Emperor, he invited Tom to stay with him for several months, and eventually gave him the title for which he became famous throughout Japan: Tom Thumb, Bonsai Warrior.

Confused? See here.

Thanks to John the Scientist for the inspiration.

Written by Michelle at 7:39 pm    

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Categories: Writing  

Manchin Speaks on Garrison

As much as Manchin isn’t my favorite state politician, I appreciate his statement regarding the scandal and the resolution.

I am not in a position to make a recommendation to them in this instance even if I wanted to because, regardless of what it might be, it would not be viewed as being made objectively – and I absolutely understand and accept that.

I don’t think he was involved in the scandal, although I do believe that the fact he is governor strongly influenced Garrison’s decision making.

Written by Michelle at 8:00 am    

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Categories: Politics,West Virginia  

Monday, May 19, 2008

BOG Meets on Garrison

The WV Board of Governors met today in a closed session to discuss Garrison.

No decision was made in the three hour meeting.

The reporters asked several of the BOB members questions after the meeting, and I was amused by one response.

When asked if the discussion involved Garrison, (Steve Goodwin) said, “I don’t think it takes too much imagination.”

I also heard that when Garrison made several unannounced appearances at graduation ceremonies across campus, there were graduates who refused to shake hands with him, as well as a rumor that some faculty members who spoke out against Garrison have had their offices moved, however, that is just a rumor.

It astounds me that in the face of all of this, including two votes of no confidence, Garrison can continue to act as if nothing is wrong, and as if his continued presence was not only a hindrance to the functioning of the university, but an embarrassment to the state.

Written by Michelle at 6:47 pm    

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Categories: Politics,West Virginia  

Fancy, Tickled

Written by Michelle at 8:00 am    

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Categories: Non-Sequiturs  

Sunday, May 18, 2008

More Geeky than You Can Possibly Imagine

Grandmom: (getting up to go to bed) Well, I’d better move along.
Michael: Move along home!
Michelle: SHAP THREE!
Michael: You rock!

Yes, we really truly are made for each other.


Written by Michelle at 10:23 pm    

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Categories: Non-Sequiturs  

Saturday, May 17, 2008

OMG! A Giant Ball of Fire in the Sky!

What could it be?!

Oh, well, it seems to be going away, so I guess we’re safe for now.

Meanwhile, I took advantage of the break in the rain to get some flower pr0n.


Written by Michelle at 4:01 pm    

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Categories: House & Garden  


OK, so I started playing around with Flickr yesterday (I know, I’m late to the party, let’s just move on) and I’m trying to decide if a Pro account is worthwhile. As I’ve seen that lots of y’all (Jeri!) who visit here have Flickr accounts, I thought I’d ask your opinions. (Nathan, your photostream is disturbing. I’m just sayin’.)

If you’ve poked around my website, you’ve noticed that I already have a pictures section that I’ve been keeping up for several years (and interestingly, if you look around even more, you’ll have a good idea of when my depression started to get out of control.)

It seems to me that a Flickr account would make what I’ve been doing by hand much faster and easier (Yes, I actually have an Excel spreadsheet to calculate smaller versions of my images.) With this in mind, would I be better off paying for a Flick Pro account? It seems like it would save me a lot of time, but I’m wondering if there are any drawbacks.

I mean, it’s all good and well to do web design by hand, but just like blogging, using software that’s already created for the job seems a whole lot easier.

Any opinions?

Written by Michelle at 12:47 pm    

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Categories: Photos  
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