Week Over Yet? How about Half Over?
It’s Wednesday. I’m going to work instead of on vacation.
Today’s word: fur
It’s Wednesday. I’m going to work instead of on vacation.
Today’s word: fur
We had the weekend to ourselves (I would have preferred being in Seattle, but alas those vacation plans were utterly crushed by the weather) so I didn’t bake at all this weekend.
Luckily, I had some pictures from previous weeks on hand, so I still have something delicious (which is good, because I’ve been slacking recently).
I really like Marcy Goldman’s book, A Passion for Baking, and have been making lots of recipes from it recently. This recipe is for yeasted sweet rolls, which may be somewhat misleading, since sweet rolls make me think of gooey, sticky, cinnamon rolls, which is not what these are. These are simply an enriched yeast bread with extra sugar, and the fabulous added touch of vanilla.
Happy New Year!
(rawr! fftt! fftt!)
Got that?
Today’s word is: plow
Today has been very Monday like.
All I have to say about it is that tomorrow had damn well better be fabulous.
Back to work tomorrow.
Michael took these on his Blackberry as we were coming home from the grocery store (pharmacy, Target, lunch…)
Took the plow three tries to get up the hill, and they ended up losing the chains on at least one of the rear wheels in the process.
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