here are some of the terms that brought people to my website. All things considered, I’m hoping most of these people left disappointed.
bourbon balls pregnancy
Not unless you’re the gingerbread man. bleh
Yeah, I know. One day it’ll get better.
something to make me mad?
Republicans. Next?
i’m understanding some things really make me mad
And you didn’t know this about yourself before?
random reasons to be mad at friend
Friendship; you’re doing it wrong.
women make me mad
I’m noting a theme here…
anti feminist folk tale
See: “The Brother’s Grimm” fanfic
1) It’s Sisko. 2) Ew.
michelle is random
Yes. tentacles are not my thing they are shawns thing but no one ever sends him tentacles
That is very specific. And amusing.
irish fairy folk tales i’ve got a fairy on my
Your what?!
me and the pumpkin queen resoluion
venite creature betlehem
No, really. WHAT?
I do not think it means what you think it means.
female big brust picture
I’m not sure how Steven Brust would feel about that.
james madison admitted states to union
All by himself?
I just realized that my web host is only saving the top twenty search terms. Why on earth would I want just the top twenty? The weird ones appear only once.
Sometimes I am quite baffled by the search terms that come in for my blog.
I mean, in the past month there were 18 different searches for me? I find that… unlikely.
But I have had some particularly awesome searches recently.
hot chicks with banjos
Eight different searches for this? Really? I am ashamed to admit that I can’t even think of any female banjo players off the top of my head. And as much as I like the banjo, I don’t see myself taking up stringed instruments again. I’m entirely too lazy for the work required to become good.
things that make people mad
bad reviews in 2009 on the abacus group
I have no idea how this search landed someone at my website. In fact, I can’t even remember talking about abacuses here. Not that I haven’t discussed them before, but still…
peonies buds shrink up and look like the
Well hell, now I want to know the answer to that.
broccoli midgets
OK, the Enchanted Broccoli Forest comes to mind, but I know I’ve never written about that.
Add ’em together and you get a tasty pastry.
this is not sophie
Oh yes. Yes, it is Not Sophie.