
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Cry Wolf

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Cry Wolf (2021) Charlie Adhara (Big Bad Wolf)

Cry WolfCooper Dayton is under significant pressure: His family wants all the details about his upcoming wedding to Oliver Park and Cooper has none to give them.

Cooper groaned. “Who’s coming is the hardest part.”

“Well, there’s us, of course. What about Oliver’s family? You’re going to invite them, right?”

“I see you’ve been speaking with the voice I hear in my head at three a.m. while paralyzed with anxiety. Good, good.”

First, let me share the author’s note at the beginning.

Any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental. Though if you do know of a criminal plot involving werewolves that has taken place at any of these locales, that is a coincidence I would love to know about.

Oh, same please!

One of the things I really love about this series is the snark and humor.

Dean stepped forward, taking off the long green cape that was his Halloween costume.

“Can I—” Dean hesitated, then took another cautious step forward, holding it out in offering. Eli stared blankly at the cape, looking uncharacteristically lost for words.

“I’m a pupae,” Dean said, then stuttered. “From the metamorphosis, life cycle, butterflies.”

“That’s always been my favorite stage,” Eli purred, accepting the fabric.

Cooper momentarily yearned for the end of his own life cycle.

Cooper is prickly and snarky and extremely unsure of himself and regularly worries about whether he is enough for Park. But he is also finally going to therapy (YAY!) and both he and Park talk about what is going on. So although things aren’t perfect between the two of them, and although Cooper remains insecure, the two are growing into a healthy relationship, which I do adore seeing in a series.

I think some types of romance emphasize the happily ever after, possibly leaving readers with the false expectation that relationships are easy once you decide you’re in one, when instead, they are a lot of work, and I love when stories remind us of that.

The only negative of this book is I now probably have a year to wait for another book.

Publisher: Carina Press

Rating: 8.5/10


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