
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Outlaw Demon Wails

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Outlaw Demon Wails (2008) Kim Harrison

The Outlaw Demon WailsRachel and Ivy are still reeling from Kistin’s death and Rachel is trying to return to normalcy by going Halloween shopping with her mother.

Unfortunately, their expedition is rudely interrupted by Al, who has somehow escaped the confines of prison and is out to kill Rachel.

I really liked this book. Rachel is continuing to grow and to accept the fact that she has made bad decisions in the past. I am really enjoying her serious look at her actions and their consequences. Doesn’t mean that she doesn’t act without thought still, but she is getting better and better at controlling her impulsiveness and thinking through her actions before she takes them.

She still continues to take risks even if those risks are not in her best interest, because she still believes in doing what is right.

There were also a lot of surprises in this story. Lots of them were painful, but again, even if Rachel over-reacts, she has reached the point where she recognizes that fact that apologizes or makes amends as necessary.

I’m very curious as to where Kim Harrison is going with this story. Rachel has a lot to deal with now, and her choices are going to continue to place her in danger, but I’ll enjoy watching her continue to learn how to act instead of react.
Rating: 8/10

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