
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Just Another Judgement Day

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just Another Judgement Day (2009) Simon R. Green

It’s been awhile since I read a Nightside book, since they switched to publishing in hardback first. But after lots of anticipation, Just Another Judgment Day arrived.

John Taylor is still a bit at loose ends after the Lilith War. He is no longer being hunted by his enemies, and although he doesn’t want to be, he remains a power in Nightside–a power to be respected as well as feared is something he still has not come to terms with. He and Suzie Shooter are living together, but her past is still haunting her, and their relationship remains in limbo.

To add to the mix, a new group of Authorities are attempting to fill the power vacuum, and Walker wants John to support them.

As with most of the books, the story opens with John taking on a case–a member of Nightside’s high society wants to know why his friends and acquaintances are looking younger, but the clinic that serves them won’t even give him the time of day.

This book does what I like best about the Nightside series: John Taylor is hired to solve mysteries and solve problems, and he does it with attitude.

Walker led us right up to the Adventurerers Club Doorman, who stood tall and broad and very large before the closed club doors. He was supposed to be a were saber-tooth tiger and given the sheer size of him, I was perfectly prepared to believe it. He stood aside for Walker, because everyone does, but gave first Suzie and then me his best cold, assessing look as we passed. Suzie glared right back at him, and he actually blushed a little and looked away.

“He likes you,” I solemnly told Suzie.

“Shut up,” said Suzie.

“He likes you. He’s your special Doorman friend.”

“I have a gun.”

“Never knew you when you didn’t.”

If you have not read a Nightside book, you should be able to start here and pick up what is going on. Of course, I always believe you should go back to the beginning and read forward, but you could read Just Another Judgment Day without having read any previous books.
Rating: 8/10

Published by Ace


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