
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Moving Pictures

Monday, July 5, 2021

Moving Pictures (1991) Terry Pratchett (Discworld)

Moving PicturesVictor Tugelbend is doing his best to keep from becoming a full wizard–it actually takes far more work than fully passing his classes would be–so he doesn’t expect to be drawn to Holy Wood–the new moving pictures the alchemists have invented.

“What’re you supposed to be?” he said at last.

“A leader of a pack of desert bandits, apparently,” said Victor. “Romantic and dashing.”

“Dashing where?”

“Just dashing generally.”

Ginger decided to leave the farm to see if she could make it in the big city of Ankh-Morpork. She had no idea just how much she’d make it.

Ginger was portrayed as not only showing nearly all she had but quite a lot of what she had not, strictly speaking, got.

All roads lead away from Ankh-Morpork, but sometimes people just walk along them the wrong way.

The Patrician’s stare had him pinned. It was a good stare, and one of the things it was good at was making people go on talking when they thought they had finished.

According to the history books, the decisive battle that ended the Ankh-Morpork Civil War was fought between two handfuls of bone-weary men in a swamp early one misty morning and, although one side claimed victory, ended with a practical score of Humans 0, ravens 1,000, which is the case with most battles.

Publisher: HarperCollins
Rating: 7/10


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