
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Thicker than Water

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thicker than Water (2009) Mike Carey

Felix gets a call to come out to a crime scene–something that had not happened since he was accused of murder and became persona non grata with the police. Unsurprisingly, nothing good comes of the call, and Felix is embroiled in a mystery involving involving individuals from his past–way back in his past.

Additionally, Jenna-Jane has taken a grab at Rafi, and Fix and Pen are struggling to keep him out of her hands.

All in all, Felix is once again in over his head.

First things first, I’ve had a heck of a time trying to get the order of these books straight. They were published first in Great Britain, and are (slowly!) being republished in the US. Which means I received this book and the following book long before I received the third book in the series.

But I do have to order correct now, and I have one book left that’s out (in the US anyway) and no sequel in sight.

Which makes me concerned about reading the next book.

Especially considering the conclusion of this book.

So yes, I hate cliffhanger endings, and I hate waiting for sequels, but if I have to have a cliffhanger ending, Mike Carey did a good job with this one. The main thread is concluded, and much of the book (the series even) has been building towards the event that happens at the end of the book. Not that you could see the specifics coming, but the situation is going to have to be resolved, so what he did actually makes sense.

SPOILER (rot 13)

Naq UBYL PBJ V ernyyl yvxrq gur eriryngvba ng gur raq nf gb jurer qrzbaf pbzr sebz. Vg znqr frafr tbvat onpx, ohg wrrfu, V gbgnyyl qvqa’g frr gung pbzvat ng nyy.

V nyfb gubhtug gur ovg jvgu uvf oebgure Zngg jnf tbvat fbzrjurer ryfr ragveryl (naq jnf tynq vg qvqa’g tb jurer V jnf nsenvq vg jnf tbvat.

Obgu bs gurfr cnegf jrer irel avpryl qbar.


If you are not reading the Felix Castor books, I highly recommend them. I also recommend starting at the first book and working your way towards this book.
Rating: 9/10

Published by Orbit


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