
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Two Feet Under

Friday, January 14, 2022

Two Feet Under (2018) Charlie Cochrane (Lindenshaw Mysteries)

Two Feet UnderAdam Matthews and Robin Bright are settling into their new jobs: Adam is deputy headmaster at a new school and Robin is Chief Inspector at Abbotston (the nick that had all the issues in the last book).

When Robin is called out to a body found at an archeological site, he firmly hopes that this case will not involve Adam.

It’s not one of those routine ‘found a body; we’re pretty sure it’s from the time of Cromwell, but we have to call it in just in case’ things?”

“Looks unlikely. They’ve had the doctor in.” Pru’s eyebrows shot up. “To declare that this poor soul really is dead despite it being obvious she must have been there months.”

Unfortunately, Anderson–Robin’s old sergeant–calls begging a place to stay after his girlfriend chucks him out.

“She says he can pack a bag and hit the road.”

“But surely she gave some sort of explanation?”

“Apparently, she said that if he didn’t know what he’d done, she wasn’t going to tell him.”


One thing this story does is reinforce the notion that just because the police know who committed a crime, it doesn’t mean anything if they don’t have evidence for a conviction–which is something that is sometimes glossed over in mysteries.

The other thing this story does is have twists and turns, but they are logical within the story, and neither Adam nor Robin does anything to put themselves in danger, which I appreciate. (I tend to dislike “Hollywood endings” in books, where there has to be a showdown with Danger.

Very enjoyable, and I look forward to the next story.

Publisher: Riptide Publishing
Rating: 8/10


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