
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Dearest Milton James

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Dearest Milton James (2021) N.R. Walker

Dearest Milton JamesMalachi Keogh’s father is giving him one last chance to stick with a job. What Malachi isn’t expecting is to end up at what used to be known as the Dead Letter Office.

(T)his is the Mail Redirection Centre. It used to be called The Dead Letter Office, but that sounded so  .  .  . final.

He is expecting even less to enjoy the job.

My father stared at me, probably trying to gauge if I was being sarcastic or not. “So you  .  .  . you actually like it?”

I shrugged, aiming for indifference. “I liked it today. And that’s more than most other jobs I’ve had.”

He did that eyebrow thing again, this time with more surprise. “Well, I’m glad to hear that.”

Malachi also doesn’t expect a hot boss, and a mystery.

“What letters?”

He sighed and pushed his cage to the next stop. “A pile of letters from the 1960s or 70s, I think. I dunno what’s in them. They were here long before me. Found ’em all bundled up in the back of a pigeonhole; must’ve got lost a long time ago. But he read ’em, Julian did. And he tried to find the owner.”

Honestly, the letters and the search for the author was far and away my favorite part of the story.

Dearest Milton James,

Holding your hand is a dream, even if no one can see. I know what it feels like. I have committed it to memory. Kissing you is what heaven must feel like.

I’ll never tire of it. Each time it’s a thrill I never dreamed possible.

And Malachi actually enjoys searching for the author and the recipient, from the clues dropped in the letter.

Publisher: BlueHeart Press
Rating: 7.5/10


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