
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

In the Labyrinth of Drakes: A Memoir by Lady Trent, Audio Book

Sunday, March 27, 2022

In the Labyrinth of Drakes: A Memoir by Lady Trent, Audio Book (2016) Marie Brennan narrated by Kate Reading

In the Labyrinth of DrakesLady Trent continues her memoirs.

Because this volume of my memoirs concerns itself with my research in Akhia, it will of necessity say more than a little about the mating habits of dragons and other creatures. Those whose sensibilities are too delicate to endure such frankness might well be advised to have a more stout-hearted friend read them a carefully expurgated version.

One of our favorite things about this volume is that Isabella’s brother, Andrew, is around.

There are eunuchs here, did you know that? Mostly in the government. I swear that half the ministers I’ve met are missing their bollocks.”

The army clearly had been a wonderful influence on my brother’s manners.

One of the things I adore is how outright feminist this series is, giving her space to rail about problems.

“Ah, yes,” I said ironically. “I have made myself exceptional. It is a wonderful game, is it not? Because I am exceptional, anything I achieve does not reflect on my sex, for of course I am not like them. Strange, though, how that division seems to vanish when we are speaking instead of my shortcomings. Then I am a woman, like any other.”

Publisher: Macmillan Audio

Rating: 9/10


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