
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Naming of the Beasts

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Naming of the Beasts (2009) Mike Carey

The last Felix Castor book, Thicker than Water, ended with the escape of Asmodeus. Not a very good point to end a story in my opinion, however, it was a logical conclusion to the way things were going, so I didn’t particularly mind. After all, the series has been working up to Castor dealing with Asmodeus, so we knew this was coming, and the situation really does deserve a long and thrilling conclusion.

After Asmodeus’ escape, Felix turned to his favorite solution–drowning his pain and sorrows in alcohol. And when he finally pulls himself out of his bender, he’s called to a murder scene where there are many many unpleasant discoveries to be made.

I have to say this really feels like the Grand Finale to the Felix Castor series. And if it is? I’m OK with that.

Unsurprisingly, Felix calls in all his cards and racks up debt in this story like nobody’s business. There are many many surprising things he does, not the least of which is who he turns to for help in trying to deal with Asmodeus.

Funny thing is, for as much of a bastard Fix has been throughout the series, looking back you can see that he isn’t really quite the SOB he’s seemed, and as selfish as he can seem at times, he occasionally does a good thing. And despite everything, he’s quite willing to man up to his mistakes, even though he is quite as good and being gracious when others do the same.

I also like that although Felix believes that everyone working for Jenna-Jane and Thomas Gwilliam, he’s willing to work with those who are willing to listen to what he has to say–even if it’s just a tiny bit.

If you have not been reading the Felix Castor series, do NOT start here. Go back to the beginning and work your way forward. Because this book is what the series has been working up to, and you really don’t want to come in at the end.
Rating: 9/10

Published by Orbit


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