
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Fated, Audio Edition

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Fated, Audio Edition (2012/2013) Benedict Jacka narrated by Gildart Jackson (Alex Verus)

FatedAlex Verus runs a magic shop in London–however he doesn’t sell tricks, but ingredients and tools for mages.

Although he is a mage, he doesn’t have the powers one initially thinks of, because Alex is a diviner.

If there’s one thing all diviners share, it’s curiosity. We really can’t help it; it’s just part of who we are. If you dug out a tunnel somewhere in the wilderness a thousand miles from anywhere and hung a sign on it saying, Warning, this leads to the Temple of Horrendous Doom. Do not enter, ever. No, not even then, you’d get back from lunch to find a diviner already inside and two more about to go in.

Come to think about it, that might explain why there are so few of us.

But now both light and dark mages want his help, and neither side is willing to take no for an answer.

“(B)eing a Dark mage doesn’t mean being destructive or vicious. We don’t believe in evil for its own sake, or any of the silly propaganda that others spread. We simply recognise the truth— that all definitions of good and evil ultimately come down to points of view.”

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Rating: 7.5/10


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