
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Judas Goat, Audio Book

Monday, November 13, 2023

The Judas Goat, Audio Book (1978) Robert B. Parker narrated by Michael Prichard (Spenser)

Judas GoatHugh Dixon’s family was murdered in a terrorist attack in London. Now, a year later, he wants Spenser to find the terrorists and bring them to justice.

The 1978 of this book is a foreign world. You just get on a plane–no security checks, just show your ticket and get on the plane.

I do think Spenser getting a permit to carry his gun in London so easily was a little suspect, but I honestly don’t know when gun laws in the UK were tightened.

This is the first book where Spenser and Hawk work together, when Spenser hires Hawk to come watch his back. The two get each other, even if they often don’t agree on the degree to which violence can and should be used as a solution. Hawk is still the leg breaker and enforcer we met in the first book, but we are slowly seeing a little more of him.

There is a LOT of racism in this book, not just because it was written in the mid 70s but also because one of the groups they end up investigating is a white supremacist group. Interestingly along those lines, this is before neo-nazis and skin heads and the terms common today.

Publisher: Random House Audio

Rating: 7.5/10


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