
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Swordheart, Audio Book

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Swordheart, Audio Book (2018/2021) T. Kingfisher narrated by Jesse Vilinsky

SwordheartI’d been playing this as background for a couple of months–not especially paying attention, but wanting voices talking.

Then I finished Michael Prichard’s narration of the Spenser series (I absolutely cannot stand listening to David Duke’s narration) and while floundering trying to figure out what to listen to next, decided to start this, so I could keep on with the cleaning project I was doing.

I quickly became engaged.

Halla has inherited from her great-uncle, and her great-uncle’s family is extremely unhappy about this.

So they lock her in her room to force her to marry cousin Alver.

Which is how she meets Sarkis.

“I am the servant of the sword,” he said. “I obey the will of the—great god, woman, put on some clothes!”

I adore Halla.

Sarkis grunted. “At any rate,” he said, “if anyone asks, I trust you’ll simply do that thing you do.”

“What thing?”

“You know.” He waved his hand irritably. “Begin asking unexpected questions until everyone in the conversation starts doubting their senses. It’s a talent. Like some strange form of diplomacy that goes so far in the wrong direction that it comes out the other side.”

The story is delightfully funny, when you’re not expecting it.

“Well,” she admitted, looking at the pile of potatoes, “you’re good at that.”

“I have a great deal of experience skinning my enemies,” he said, deadpan.

“Do you have many enemies among the potatoes?”

“Not any longer.”

The woman in front of them looked over her shoulder and said “You can go ahead of me.”

Halla blinked.


“Sir…ma’am…I’m here because my youngest needs to get out of the house and learn a trade. You two appear to be either enchanted or desperately insane. And in either case, I’d rather you weren’t standing behind me.”

I ended up enjoying it so much I started listening to The Clockwork Boys.

Which I have not yet read.

(There is still a lot of cleaning and organizing to do.)

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Rating: 8/10


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