
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Leper of Saint Giles

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Leper of Saint Giles (1981) Ellis Peters (Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #5)

leper of saint gilesSet in Shropshire England in 1139

“I hope she may be beautiful,” said Mark.

“Prior Robert would be interested to hear you say so,” said Cadfael drily.

blessedness is what can be snatched out of the passing day, and put away to think of afterwards

He did not look like a deceiver or a seducer, rather like an overgrown schoolboy, honest, impatient, clever after his fashion, and probably unwise. Cleverness and wisdom are not inevitable yoke-fellows.

(Y)ou do yourself great wrong to misuse words.

Characters: Cadfael, Abbot Radulfus, Agnes Picard, Arnulf, Avice of Thornbury, Bran, Mark, Oswin, Eudo de Domville, Gilbert Prestcote, Guy Fitzjohn, Huon de Domville, Baron, Joscelin Lucy, Lady Iveta de Massard, Lazarus, Madlen, Prior Robert, Simon Aguilon, Sir Godfrid Picard, Ulgar the wheelwright

Publisher: Mysterious Press

Rating: 9.5/10


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