
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Last Note of Warning

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Last Note of Warning (2024) Katharine Schellman (Nightingale Mysteries #3)

The Last Note of WarningSet in New York in 1925

Vivian is in trouble.

When she discovers the body of a man, the police decide she must be the killer, and Leo Green’s connection can only get them so far.

I had a very hard time getting into this book for some reason. I started it, dropped it for a couple months, picked it back up, and finally managed to finish it.

There wasn’t anything wrong with it, it just felt more depressing than I wanted. Vivian is accused or murder, Leo can only help her so much, Honor can’t help her at all, and Florence is having a difficult pregnancy.

A kiss like an apology.

Vivian’s eyes snapped open, meeting Honor’s, her breath coming faster when she saw the regret there.

“I wish I could help you. But I can’t. Not this time.”

It wasn’t a bad story, but I kept fretting about bad things happening, and about people letting Vivian down.

At the end of the story, I’m not sure how I feel about Leo or Honor. Neither set out to hurt her, but their actions were hard.

But it does end on a lovely note.

“Sometimes forgiveness is a gift you choose to give, even though a person could never possibly earn it, because you love them. Because they are forgivable, even if whatever they did isn’t.”

“That sounds…” Vivian shook her head. “Really damn hard.”

“It is.” Florence smiled. “It’s one of the hardest things in the world. But if you can’t do it, you’re going to go through life alone. Because everyone you meet, everyone you love, at some point will do something unforgivable. We’re human. We can’t avoid it.”

Characters: Vivian Kelly, Florence, Beatrice Henry, Danny Chin, Honor Huxley, Mr. Buchanan, Mrs. Buchanan, Jimmy, Mags, Corny Rokesby, Levinsky, Leo Green, Miss Ethel, Hattie Wilson

Cover design by David Baldeosingh Rotstein

Publisher: Minotaur Books

Rating: 7.5/10


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