
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Urban Shaman

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Urban Shaman (2005) C. E. Murphy

Urban ShamanJoanne Walker is flying home from her mother’s funeral with the expectation of being fired from her job as a mechanic for the Seattle police. Staring out the window of the plane as the come in for a landing, she sees a woman being chased. Even though she doesn’t know it, this event is going to change her life forever.

I liked and enjoyed the story, but there were some things I had problems with: primarily, the way that everyone seemed to readily accept what was happening. I just had a hard time believing people would be so accepting.

With most supernatural fantasy, the supernatural elements are either already out in the open, or else they are hidden and attempting to remain hidden. This story did neither, instead bringing the supernatural out but having people readily accept it.

I just have a hard time believing things would work out that way. I think that Carrie Vaughn was closer to the reality with her Kitty Norville story, where the supernatural is snatched up by the government and studied. Video proof of the supernatural? I just don’t see how that wouldn’t have brought a huge amount of (extremely unwelcome) attention to everyone involved.

Mostly, I just kept waiting for the government to come in and snatch everyone up and take them away to their laboratories.

Aside from that, I very much enjoyed the story.
Rating: 7/10

Published by Luna

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