
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Smuggler’s Moon

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Smuggler’s Moon (2001) Bruce Alexander

Lady Fielding has gone off to York to visit her mother who is ill. Soon after she leaves, Sir John is requested by the Lord Chief Justice to travel to Kent to check on the local magistrate, Albert Sarton. Because Sir John is in charge of Clarissa and Lady Fielding is away, John is to stay at the home of Sir Simon Grenville.

Additionally, Black Jack Bilbo has bought himself a ship and is thinking of selling his gaming house. It seems as if he has missed the sea more than he previously cared to admit.

Jeremy seems to have passed the worst of being a teenager–he is still young and sometimes makes foolish decisions, which is perfectly okay, since that’s what teenagers and young adults do. He also remains influenced by Constable Perkins, as well as Sir John, although Constable Perkins sometimes seems more understanding of Jeremy’s age. However, Jeremy continues to take more responsibility in his work with Sir John, and is now sent out to meetings and investigations on his own–something it was hard to imagine him doing back when he was thirteen.

This is another good story, and although I had guessed part of the mystery, there were other parts that I didn’t see coming, and I always like that. I also enjoyed seeing more of Black Jack Bilbo and Jimmy Bunkins, although I find Black Jack Bilbo the more interesting of the two, and quite enjoyed learning more about Mister Bilbo as well as his past.

Although this story continues to build upon previous books, there is nothing here than hinges especially upon past events. So you could read this book without having read previous books, but you probably don’t want to. Part of the joy of this series is seeing Jeremy grow and mature.
Rating: 7/10


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