
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Heroes ‘Til Curfew

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Heroes ‘Til Curfew (2011) Susan Bischoff

heroes-til-curfewThis is the second book in the Talent Chronicles (and sadly, the last one available) and a follow-up to Hush Money, a YA book where children and teens with Talents are taken by the NIAC and put into special schools where they are “protected” from society (but in reality are isolated from the outside world and trained to be government operatives). It’s also in the same world as Impulse Control, which, last I checked, as still a free download.

The point of view switches primarily between Joss and Dylan, with occasional peeks at Marco. Joss has the power to move things with her mind, Dylan has the power of camouflage, and their friends (also in hiding) have various powers, some of which are useful, some of which are–at least on their face–not very useful (animating inanimate objects, causing plants to grow).

Because it’s a YA, it is full of teenagers, but they are very well done teenagers.

“You know, I think I took a blow to the head last night.” I reached up and rubbed at my skull, partly just to hide how red my face was. “The part of my brain that’s supposed to keep me from saying stupid stuff is damaged.”

I should get points for not saying every dumb thing that pops in my head.

Well, okay, those things aren’t limited to teenagers.

One of the things I particularly like is that 1) there is not an absence of adults in the story and 2) the adults are complicated. Both Joss’ father and Dylan’s mother have done things that are not particularly good parents. But they’re trouble in a very human way–ones that are quite separate from their children’s troubles, although as happens everywhere, that doesn’t mean those children don’t blame themselves.

I also am fascinated by the world that has been built. Because we are dealing with teenagers, who live in the here and now, we don’t know what caused the US to lock these children with Talents away from society–we only see things as they are, and have to accept that the world is this way. But what is frightening is that it’s not very hard to imagine how this situation came to be.

One important note. There is a sexual assault in the story. This might be upsetting to some readers, but the scene is very well-written, and the aftermath is also very well done. It’s hard to read, but it is also well-worth reading.

This is another very good book, and I’m sorry to see there is no forthcoming book available for pre-order, because I really like this series.
Rating: 9.5/10

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