
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Spymaster’s Lady

Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Spymaster’s Lady (2008) Joanna Bourne

Spymasters-LadyYou’re getting the alternate cover here, because I really don’t care for the cover that came with my version. In fact, I hesitated to read the book because the (other) cover made the book seem like something that wasn’t particularly for me.

I was wrong.

This book was for me.

Annique is a French spy–and one of the best. She started spying as a child and was raised by the masters–one of whom included her mother. Unfortunately, she has landed in the hands of Leblanc, another French spy who wants what he thinks she has.

Grey is an English spy who, along with his companion Adrian, has also fallen into the hands of Leblanc. He plans on taking Annique with him when he escapes–assuming they can escape.

“I can tell you’re awake.” His voice came, closer than she’d expected. “You might as well get up and stop pretending.”

“I am hoping you are a ghastly dream and will go away if I stay asleep long enough.”

There is so very much that is good about this book. So many surprises that were marvelously done.

And secondary characters–I loved Adrian more than I liked Grey, and I ended up liking Grey more than I thought I would.

“When did I become your little brother? I thought we were twins.”

“We are, but you are seventeen minutes younger . Because of this, I have always bullied you unmercifully.

Of course there is boinking, but not until much later in the book.

But what the book really had was marvelous intrigue and politics. Annique and Grey and Adrian are all spies and all very good at what they do–which is bluff and lie and give nothing away.
Rating: 10/10

Published by Berkley


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