
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Werewolf Smackdown

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Werewolf Smackdown (2010) Mario Acevedo

I’m a sucker for supernatural detectives (See: Simon Green & P.N. Elrod) so I snatched up the first Felix Gomez books when I came across them, then I seem to have forgotten about them, so when I had the chance to pick up Werewolf Smackdown on sale, I grabbed it.

There are still many things I like about this series.

The pictures had been taken at social events, always with people huddling close to absorb the warmth of his charismatic smile.

“Haints confuse the cloth for water. They won’t cross it because they think they’ll drown.”
“Does it work?”
“You see any haints?”

“How come everyone knows so much about me? Did someone post my visit on craigslist?”

Many bits like those above made me giggle.

However, towards the end of the book I got really frustrated with Felix and the choices he was making. I think this pretty much sums it up.

My impulse was to shoot him. Get this over with. Don’t give him a chance to strike back or escape.
But I had questions. He better have answers.

As soon as I read that I immediately typed the note (sigh) because I knew precisely what would happen–nothing good.

For the last quarter or even third of the book, Felix makes lots of those choices. I think at some point my eyes were rolling around in my head like marbles.

It was as if every time he walked into a situation, he though, “what is the WORST possible choice I could make here? Let’s do that!” (I even rolled my eyes while typing that, thinking of the stupidity,)

And the other characters made choices that were JUST as stupid, and worse, unbelievable, especially in regards to self-preservation. (Oh, I’ll just make these sacrifices for Felix!) Just… no. People don’t behave like that. Especially the people with whom Felix is interacting.

So, I’m done with this series (not that I even know whether there are any further books, since I lost track of the series).
Rating: 4/10

Published by HarperCollins


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