
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Man with the Golden Torc

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Man with the Golden Torc (2007) Simon R. Green

The Man with the Golden Torc Eddie Drood is a field agent for a family that knows more secrets than anyone else, and has magical and mechanical powers that would make mages and mad scientists drool in envy. Unfortunately for Eddie (known on the streets as Shamus Bond) there’s trouble in the family, and that means trouble for Eddie.

Although this is not a Nightside book, I could tell quickly it was a Simon Green book. It had his quirky combination of blood, mayhem, and humor, and his telltale use of the word appalling with appalling frequency. From the title to Eddie’s use name, you could tell it was supposed to be a takeoff on James Bond. Except that the only exposure I have to James Bond is Ian Flemming’s books, and I’m not sure that Eddie Drood reminded me of Flemming’s Bond.

Neither of things are bad, they just are the way they are. I enjoy Simon Green’s writing, and although I do think he tends to overuse the word appalling, it mostly just serves to let me know I’m reading a Simon Green book.

As far as the James Bond comparison… In some ways Eddie does resemble Flemming’s Bond, in that he relies upon his had earned skills, though I didn’t find him quite as cunning as James Bond. But Eddie also has amazing magic and science, which he needs because his enemies can be just as strong as he is.

The story and characters are very much Simon Green. They’re sarcastic and pessimistic, except under the pessimism you’re sure there’s a shiny optimist just waiting to get out. Although the book is not set in Nightside, the world beneath the world we inhabit contains monsters aplenty.

If you like Simon Green’s Nightside books, they you’ll probably want to check out The Man with the Golden Torc if you haven’t already (I waited the year for the book to come out in paperback.)
Rating: 7/10

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