
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Backup (2008) Jim Butcher

At last, we get to see into to mind of someone other than Harry Dresden–and get a glimpse of Harry from the outside–albeit the somewhat adoring eyes of his brother Thomas.

We also get to a glimpse of the interior life of Thomas. He considers himself a monster, but he continues to fight the demon within, and for now, he is succeeding. Thomas has been living as a hairdresser. This not only gives him an income, but allows him to feed off many women without doing much damage. Thomas is, of course, a vampire, only he feeds off of lust instead of blood.

Now to make it perfectly clear, this is a short story. It’s a special issue from Subterranean Press and it’s in hardback, but you’re still only getting a short story. Of course it’s a good short story, but it is a short story nevertheless. Is it worth the price you’re going to pay for it? That’s your call to make, although it’s unlikely to shop up at your local library.

As this is a short story, it’s hard to talk much about the story, without giving stuff away, so suffice to say, this is a story about Thomas, and the way he views the world, and the way he solves the problems placed before him.

If you like the Dresden Files series, you may want to read Backup. If you aren’t already, you should be able to read this without knowledge of Harry or his world. Whether you’d want to do that or not is something else entirely.
Rating: 7/10


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