
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Magic Shifts

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Magic Shifts (2015) Ilona Andrews

Book 8 of the Kate Daniels series finds Kate and Curran living in the suburbs, forbidden from the Keep grounds for 90 days after Curran stepped down as the Beast Lord.

Jim is now the Beast Lord, Dali his mate and co-alpha, and now shifting power and alliances are happening–but beyond Kate and Curran, who are not to meddle.

Dali waved at her. After we retired, Jim Shrapshire, Curran’s best friend, became the Beast Lord. That made Dali the Beast Lady. She now had my job with all the pain and trouble that came with it.

“Consort,” I said. “You honor us.”

“Fuck you,” Dali said. “Fuck your shit. I quit.”

During this time, various members of the pack have to decide if they are going to remain in the pack and leave to join Kate and Curran.

Into this steps George, Mahon’s daughter, searching for her fiance–Eduardo. Mahon doesn’t think Eduardo (a buffalo and NOT a bear) is good enough for Kate, so he’s not searching and George is desperate, so she goes to Kate.

For example, the first time Aunt B came to the Pack Council, (Mahon) took it upon himself to lecture her about how men should be men and women should be women, and Clan alphas should be men with women helping them, not the other way around.”

I laughed. “What did she do?”

“She petted his shoulder and said, ‘Bless your heart, you must be awful in bed.’”

Thus opens a whole can of worms.

Of course, we also have the settling down of power within the People, most of whom have no idea how to deal with Kate.

Especially Ghastek.

But I do like how Julie is turning out. She’s truly learning how to deal with all the weird crap in Kate’s life.

Rowena froze, completely still like a statue. Julie pulled a piece of chalk out of her pocket, drew a protective circle on the floor, and sat in it. At the other end of the room, Ghastek clenched his teeth, probably trying to mitigate the effect of Roland’s voice.

Saiman has walked away from Kate, looking to save his own skin, because he doesn’t believe Kate can hold the city. I don’t think Kate was particularly surprised–I wasn’t. But I am sad there won’t be more Saiman in the near future.

This totally cracked me up, for I was always falling up the stairs as a teenager.

Julie gathered her blanket and went up the staircase.

Something thudded.

“I’m okay!” she called out. “I fell up, but I’m okay.”

There is one more book, but it’s hardback priced, so I’m not buying it right now, so this looks to be the end of my Kate Daniels binge.
Rating: 8/10

Published by Ace


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