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Salsa Nocturna: A Bone Street Rumba Collection

Friday, March 24, 2017

Salsa Nocturna: A Bone Street Rumba Collection (2012) Daniel José Older

I was feeling out of sorts and unsure what I was in the mood to read, so I decided to re-read Salsa Nocturna since I knew I’d enjoy it.

“Tenderfoot” published in The Innsmouth Free Press (2011)

“Salsa Nocturna” published in Strange Horizons (2010)

“Skin Like Porcelain Death”

“The Collector” published in The ShadowCast Audio Anthology (2010)

“Graveyard Waltz” published in The Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (2009)

“Protected Entity” published in Crossed Genres Magazine (2010)


He says every soul is like a tiny shard of glass that reflects God. He says when you’re dead, you’re just a soul, and the reflection is even stronger, not muddled by all that flesh and blood and living people shit.

“Red Feather & Bone”

“The Passing” I really like this story. Plus, this bit cracks me up.

“You must have wonderful joyrides on this thing with your boyfriend,” I say once I catch my breath.

“Oh. I’m not gay.”

For a few moments all we hear is the wind whipping alongside us, the occasional horns of midday traffic. “Oh.”

“That was my girlfriend Diana I was um talking to on the phone earlier.”

“Of course.”

Maybe it’s better if I don’t speak.

“Tall Walkin’ Death”

“What ’bout my giants?” Krys asks.

Jimmy makes a helpless face at us. “I mean…giants pop up all over history, guys. You don’t even want to know some of the sites that were showing up in this search, trust me.”

“I do,” Riley says.

“Love is a Fucking River”

“Forgive Me My Tangents”

I’m more than a century old but in my heart of hearts, I’m still that little girl skipping back and forth through the trees behind our little house on the edge of the cloud forest.

“Phantom Overload” published in Subversion: Science Fiction & Fantasy Tales of Challenging the Norm by Crossed Genres Publications (2011)

I really do love this collection.
Rating: 10/10

Published by Crossed Genres Publications


  1. Keane Storm says:

    This book is the best introduction into the genre of urban fantasy any reader could have. It is clear that Daniel himself has his feet planted steadily (no shade to Carlos- get the book to get it) on both sides of the world of the living and that of the dead. He ushers us into the world of Salsa Nocturna so realistically and seamlessly that I was left feeling like this was the norm.

    March 24, 2017 @ 1:40 PM

  2. Daniel José Older says:

    Thank you so much for this! So glad you enjoyed. In case you’re interested – I re-released late last year with two new stories and a new intro

    March 26, 2017 @ 12:34 AM

  3. Michelle says:

    Pardon me while I squee!


    Mr Older, I absolutely adore your writing–I am waiting impatiently for the small people in my life to get old enough for me to give them Shadowshaper. I particularly love your female characters–I think you’re up there with Charles de Lint in men who write accurate female characters.

    I’ve also been telling all my friends they MUST read your books. :)

    March 26, 2017 @ 2:07 PM

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