
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Once Burned

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Once Burned (2012) Jeaniene Frost

Leila was electrocuted as a teen.

“So let me get this straight,” Auburn Hair said, drawing the words out. “You touched a downed power line when you were thirteen, nearly died, and then later, your body began giving off electric voltage and your right hand divined psychic impressions from whatever you touched?”

When rumors of her powers leak out, she is kidnapped by a group of vampires who want to see if they can use her powers to find their enemy: Vlad.

One of my favorite characters in this books is Marty, Leila’s circus partner and the man who has been her surrogate father for years. He’s also a midget and a vampire.

“And the crowd goes wild,” he said smugly.

“Could you just let me handle it next time?” I hissed to cover how worried I’d been.

Marty rolled his eyes. “Please. I was fighting to the death before your grandparents were born.

Of course, Marty isn’t particularly snarky in this book–most of this book finds him worried for Leila and doing what he can to try and help or save her.

“Don’t hurt her, she didn’t mean anything by it,” Marty said at once, moving to stand between me and Vlad. I wasn’t about to let him take more abuse, especially on my behalf, so I tried to angle myself in front of Marty. He kept sidestepping me with that damn vampiric speed until it looked like we were engaged in some sort of strange dance.

Let me be clear: this is a boinking book. LOTS of boinking here. LOTS AND LOTS. But it’s also a fascinating story, as the author had to find a partner for Vlad who not only would put up with his crap, but be able to match his darkness.

Part of me wondered what the hell I’d gotten myself into while the rest didn’t care. I’d relived enough terrible events happening to cautious people to know that prudence wasn’t a guarantee for happiness.

It didn’t bother me that I’d killed (character) and the other guards. Given the right circumstances, most people were capable of taking a life, and this had been a kill-or-be-killed situation. But what I hadn’t anticipated was how I’d enjoyed it.

Surviving against deadly foes accounted for some of the exhilaration I’d felt, but not all of it. I could use the excuse that Vlad’s ruthlessness was rubbing off, but deep down, I knew this cold-bloodedness was all mine.

I like that she has her own darkness, to match Vlad’s.

And once again: why I hate this cover.

as usual, only his face, neck, and hands were bare. The rest of him was covered, the elegant cut of his clothes simultaneously flaunting and concealing that lean, muscled body.

I really REALLY hate most Avon paranormal covers. (Two links there. The first is especially worth viewing.)

I do like this series, but I’m re-reading primarily so I can finish this series.
Rating: 8/10

Publisher: Avon


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