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Archive for 'Cozy'

The Body in the Library

The Body in the Library (1942) Agatha Christie Colonel and Mrs. Bantry are quite shocked to discover a body in their library–a very young blonde body. The Colonel calls the police, but Mrs. Bantry knows better, and calls Miss Marple. Again, like Murder at the Vicarage, I noticed that much of the story seemed timeless. […]

The Murder at the Vicarage

The Murder at the Vicarage (1930) Agatha Christie It’s been years since I’ve read an Agatha Christie, but she’s always been on of my favorites, and so I decided it was the perfect thing to read while I’m sick and feeling somewhat miserable. This is the first Miss Marple mystery, and is told from the […]

Defending Angels

Defending Angels (2008) Mary Stanton Brianna Winston-Beaufort has inherited her uncle’s clients after he died in a terrible fire in his law office. As she attempts to find a temporary office, she starts to discover that strange things are occurring, and her uncle’s clients might be far more unusual than first expected. It’s very—cute. I […]