
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Sugared Game

The Sugared Game (2020) KJ Charles (The Will Darling Adventures, #2) Set in London in 1924 “Do you ever have the feeling the whole world changed while we were away and nobody bothered to mention it to us?” “I know you’ve thought about this,” Will said. “But there are men in the world who aren’t […]

Lessons for Sleeping Dogs

Lessons for Sleeping Dogs (2015) Charlie Cochrane (Cambridge Fellows) Set in England in 1921 Jonty and Orlando are asked to look into what seems to have been a double suicide–a man who suffered debilitating paralysis and the doctor who treated him. The case touches on two things neither much wants to discuss: the war, and […]

Lessons for Idle Tongues

Lessons for Idle Tongues (2015) Charlie Cochrane (Cambridge Fellows) Set in England in 1910. Jonty and Orlando are given another case to solve when Adriene’s cousin asks them to look into a matter for a friend. An unexpected and possibly suspicious death. When they go to investigate they find a lord shut away from society, […]

Lessons for Suspicious Minds

Lessons for Suspicious Minds (2013) Charlie Cochrane (Cambridge Fellows) Set in England in 1909. NOTE: This story goes back in time, probably set after Lessons in Trust (book 7) and is set before the war–and all the changes that caused to the characters and the world. Jonty and Orlando go with Jonty’s parents to visit […]

Lessons for Survivors

Lessons for Survivors (2018) Charlie Cochrane (Cambridge Fellows) Set in England in 1919. Jonty and Orlando both survived the war–although not without scars. “It would prove to me that everything was back to normal. That the last five years hadn’t spoiled the world forever.” They walked on in silence, each with his thoughts. “Do you […]

All Lessons Learned

All Lessons Learned (2018) Charlie Cochrane (Cambridge Fellows) Set in England and France in 1919. The war they said would end all conflicts. Only time would tell if that were true, that never again would Europe march into battle, but plenty of lives had been invested in trying to test the supposition, young men laid […]

The Fog of War

The Fog of War (2021) A.L. Lester (Bradfield Trilogy) Set in England in the summer of 1919. Dr Sylvia Marks returned to the village where her father had been the local doctor, after the end of the war and her time as a surgeon at Royaumont, where she was later joined by Walter, a nurse […]

Murder Most Fair

Murder Most Fair (2021) Anna Lee Huber (Verity Kent) Set in England in 1919. I’ll be honest, I haven’t enjoyed this series as much as the Lady Darby series, and have been borrowing the books from the library because of that. But this book I very much enjoyed. The Ardmore problem is mostly in the […]

A Pretty Deceit

A Pretty Deceit (2020) Anna Lee Huber (Verity Kent) Set in England in 1919 Verity and Sidney are still searching for evidence of the crimes they know were committed by Lord Ardmore, but in the meantime, Verity’s parents guilt her into visiting her aunt, whose house had been damaged by the RAF soldiers living there […]

Penny for Your Secrets

Penny for Your Secrets (2019) Anna Lee Huber Set in England in 1919. Verity and Sidney are on more solid ground, but still trying to work through both Sidney’s issues from the war, and her issues of having spent more than a year thinking he was dead. What I enjoy most about this series is […]

Treacherous Is the Night

Treacherous Is the Night (2018) Anna Lee Huber Set in Europe in 1919. The second Verity Kent story finds Verity and her husband trying to come to terms with each other–and decide if their marriage will survive his letting her think he was dead for more than a year. I was still coming to grips […]

This Side of Murder

This Side of Murder (2017) Anna Lee Huber Set in England in 1919. Verity Kent is a war-widow. Her husband was killed during the Great War and she has spent the last 15 months trying to come to terms with his dead and adapt to her new status. The period during and immediately after the […]

Legacy of the Dead

Legacy of the Dead (2000) Charles Todd The fourth Inspector Ian Rutledge mystery finds Rutledge sent to Scotland–the last place he wants to go, for he still hears the voice of Hamish MacLeod over his shoulder, haranguing him, and reminding him of the dead lost in France during the Great War. But Lady Maude Gray […]

The Kidnapping

The Kidnapping (2010) Charles Todd This is a single short story, and three excerpts, which I sort of found annoying, although I have to admit, that as far as excerpts go, they were interesting. The Kidnapping is a very brief story that finds Ian Rutledge drug into a kidnapping case, when a wild-eyed and disheveled […]

Search the Dark

Search the Dark (1999) Charles Todd This is the third Inspector Ian Rutledge mystery. A man goes made on a train, believe he’s seen his wife and children, who were killed when their house collapsed and burned during the war. When a woman’s body appears–badly beaten and disfigured–suspicion falls upon the man. But no one […]