
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

The Rook

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Rook (2012) Daniel O’Malley

This was on sale last week, and when I saw it, I immediately wanted to read it again.

This is a book that gets better each time I read it, because I think about the different aspects of the story.

First, I adore the various thoughts about human nature.

the appearance of an animated corpse in a graveyard than one in an ice cream parlor or the changing room of a boutique. They won’t be happy with the appearance of the animated corpse in the graveyard, but they tend to be less outraged.

I also really love how Thomas was changed by her discovery by the Checquy:

I associated my powers with blood, pain, and doctors screaming and flailing about. I also understood that it was these powers that had led to my abruptly being taken away from my family.

And how Myfanwy was able to take full advantage of the sacrifices Thomas made for her, and become the person she might have been.

It’s fascinating to consider how a single event (or a series of linked events) can change someone so drastically. And I appreciate that Joshua Eckhart got a history somewhat in the opposite direction, of how he had a terrible beginning but he was able to be healed (and become awesome; he’s one of my favorite members of the court).

The reports from the social worker who went to the Eckhart household read like Stephen King writing for House & Garden.

It’s all a reminder that we are a product of our pasts, but that we have the ability to change and become our better selves.

Another thing I especially like is how there are characters of all shapes, colors and sizes, and it’s just a part of the story (as it should be).

From the files, I knew that the elderly woman was Lisa’s personal secretary and that the Aborigine guy wasn’t her bodyguard but her IT expert.

Her bodyguard for the night, Anthony, had turned out to be a massively fat Japanese man who spoke with a thick Scottish accent and was dressed in traditional Scottish garb. His kilt could have been used as a tartan slipcover for a settee, and his sporran looked as if it could use some friends to back it up. Still, she’d had the presence of mind to compliment him on his appearance.

An incomprehensible stream of syllables had flowed out of his lips. Myfanwy was unable to tell if it was Japanese, Gaelic, or a bastard hybridization of both.

Also, every time I read this I adore Ingrid more and more.

“(F)for today, according to long-standing tradition, I perform the sacred cancellation of your other appointments and make reservations at the hallowed temple of Italian food.”

Myfanwy looked suspiciously at her secretary. Ingrid had been getting more and more smart-assed lately.

Then she spoke in her mum voice. “Rook Thomas, you don’t need to panic. Go up to the residence, get yourself changed and ready, and I’ll let you know when they’re here.”

Myfanwy nodded obediently.

I also adore the things that are left unsaid and unanswered. I believe that Alrich knew that Myfanwy had lost herself, but we’ll never know, and that’s totally okay, because it’s completely in keeping with Alrich.

Alrich spoke with a husky, growling voice, which was a little jarring coming out of someone so smooth and polished. “Rook Thomas, you look different somehow.”

“Well, I recently got the shit kicked out of me,” she said.

“Ah, that would be it then,” Alrich replied.

Between that and the scene at the bar, I think Alrich knew, but he’s so inscrutable, we’ll never know. And I don’t want to know. The mystery is what makes Alrich so fascinating. Any attempts to see his story would make him much less interesting.


Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Rating: 9.5/10

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