
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Murder in G Major

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Murder in G Major (2016) Alexia Gordon (Gethsemane Brown Mysteries)

Murder in G MajorGethsemane Brown is stuck in Ireland. The assistant conductor job she was promised fell through, her luggage was stolen, and she’s out of money. If she doesn’t want to return to her family with her tail between her legs, she has get a job until she has the money to return to the states.

So she takes a job music teacher for a private academy and moves into the home of one of the men who inspired her to become a musician–and who years earlier supposedly murdered his wife and then committed suicide in remorse.

All she wants to do is hold on until she can find another job and move back to the state, but the ghost who lives in her house has other ideas–he wants her to prove that Eamon McCarthy was not a murderer and a suicide, and perhaps in doing so, help the boys win the All-County contest for the first time in ages.

I like Gethsemane a lot.

(M)y career plans don’t include a scorched earth policy. I want to leave on a high, not sneak away in shame like the Colts out of Baltimore.

And I liked the ghost as well.

(T)here are no social media feeds in the afterlife.”

“Thank God.”

“Well, maybe in Hell.”

The story was fun, and although there were uneven bits (it did read like a first book) it was good and it was fun.

“Let me rephrase. Not that either of us went out last night, but if one of us had gone out and the other had gone with her and helped her do something that almost got them thrown in jail, one of us would want to say thank you.”

“The other of us would say you’re welcome. And he’d wonder again why the other of us asked him since he’s not exactly been nice to one of us.”

It did end on a bit of a note that I didn’t particularly care for, opening up the mystery for the next book. But aside from that it was enjoyable and I do believe I’ll read the next book.

Publisher: Henery Press
Rating: 7/10


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