
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Lady Mechanika Volume 6: Sangre

Friday, January 1, 2021

Lady Mechanika Volume 6: Sangre (2020) by Joe Benitez, M.M. Chen, Brian Ching, Martin Montiel

Lady Mechanika Vol 6Lady Mechanika has taken a case in Spain.

And she goes alone, because Mister Lewis is still not speaking to her, refusing to forgive her the actions she took in the previous book.

Lady Mechanika Vol 6

The story opens 500 years previously, in the Americas, and this prologue is continued and interspersed with the current story.

Lady Mechanika 6

This is, as were the previous volumes, a steampunk fantasy. Lady Mechanika goes to Spain theoretically to protect a young man whose family fears he has been possessed by demons, but while there she discovers new monsters, but also a women who may have a way for Lady Mechanika to recover some of her memories.


But it’s also a story of acceptance and forgiveness and revenge and love.

Publisher: Benitez Productions

Rating: 8/10


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