Sunday, February 21, 2021
Blameless (2010) Gail Carriger (Parasol Protectorate)
Set in England in the alternate 1873
As the end of the previous book still made me angry, even knowing what was coming, I immediately started reading this book, to see how I felt about the resolution of the issues from the second book.
It was… okay.
First problem, we get almost no Lord Akeldama, who remains my favorite.
Usually, any major social event in London could be relied upon to temporarily house some young dandy whose collar points were too high, mannerisms too elegant, and interest too keen to adequately complement his otherwise frivolous appearance. These ubiquitous young men, regardless of how silly they might act, how much gambling they might engage in, and how much fine champagne they might swill, reported back to their master with such an immense amount of information as to put any of Her Majesty’s espionage operations to shame.
Second, we get to see Lord Maccon being an idiot in response to the events in the previous book that HE set in motion.
Third, I really truly don’t see why Alexia had to go to Italy, except plot. And why Floote refused to explain to her the dangers of doing so. Because Floote should have recognized the possibilities of what might occur of the Templars got their hands on Alexia.
Heaven forbid he actually tell her things she needs to know for her safety.
On the plus side, we got to spend lots of time with Professor Lyall, who I may like almost as much as Lord Akeldama.
Professor Lyall had a good memory, and he recalled the cholera outbreak of twenty years earlier as though it had happened only yesterday. Sometimes he thought he could still smell the sickness in the air. As a result, Soho always caused him to sneeze.
So, disappointing, but I’m going to read on to find out what happens next.
Luckily, this book is also available from the library.
Publisher : Orbit
Rating: 6.5/10
- Categories: 7/10, British, eBook, Fantasy, Female, Historical, Reread, Romance, Sexual Content, Steampunk
- Tags: Gail Carriger, Vampires, Victorian Era, Werewolves
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