
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Dead Men’s Boots

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dead Men’s Boots (2007) Mike Carey

I’ve actually been waiting for this book for awhile. The American publishing and access to this series is… quirky. I was able to get the British copies of the two books that follow this, but I had to wait about a year for this to be put out by an American publisher.

Come on folks, you don’t have to take out all the Britishisms for us to enjoy a good story!

Felix Castor has to go to a funeral, the funeral of John Gittings, an exorcist who took his own life. Felix feels guilty because he ignored John’s calls, and wonders if he could have saved John’s life if he’d answered those calls. That guilt leads him to helping John’s widow more than he wants to, which in turn gets him tied up in the case that may well have caused John to kill himself.

The Rafi thread is still here, although it plays a background role right now, and shows no signs of being concluded any time soon, which is perfectly fine, because there may well be no solution.

The story that Felix stumbles into is actually a very interesting one. There’s no way to discuss why it was interesting without giving it away, but it is an interesting idea.

If you like Constantine or Harry Dresden, you might want to check out the Felix Castor series, though you should probably start at book one, The Devil You Know.
Rating: 8/10

Published by Grand Central Publishing


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