
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Blood of the Earth, Audio Edition

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Blood of the Earth, Audio Edition (2016) Faith Hunter narrated by Khristine Hvam (A Soulwood Novel)

Blood of the EarthAfter helping Jane Yellowrock rescue a vampire and abused women from the compound of her former church, Nell Ingram has been waiting for the help Jane said might be coming. Because the church men are becoming more of a threat, wanting her and her land back in the church.

I set the shotgun on the table and got out three pottery mugs. I wasn’t using John’s maw-maw’s good china for outsiders whom I might have to shoot later. That seemed deceitful.

I love both the self-discovery Nell goes through over the course of the story, and her realization that the church was not everything she spent her last decade believing.

And I love the world-building.

(O)ne tree, a dogwood, had taken root and another had tried to and died. The ground was covered in pine needles, and when I pushed a hand through to the soil, it was to discover that the lone tree was afraid, fearfearfear leaking through every rootlet and stem and reddening leaf. It had been afraid since its partner tree had died, thinking it the last tree on the face of the Earth.

Publisher: Audible Studios


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