
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Wolfsong (2016) T.J. Klune (Green Creek)

WolfsongI’m trying this series again.

I liked the first book well enough the first time, but the second book was a problem. I’m hoping that knowing the rest of the books are NOT about Ox an Joe will make the adjustment a little easier.

Ox’s dad is awful.

I knew that face he made then. It was his angry face. He was pissed off. “Don’t you fucking get it?” he snapped.

I tried not to flinch. “No,” I said. Because I didn’t.

“Ox,” my daddy said. “There’s going to be no math. No phone calls. Don’t make me regret you too.” “Oh,” I said.

Luckily, he’s gone pretty quickly from the story.

Men don’t cry. My daddy taught me that. Men don’t cry because they don’t have time to cry. I must not have been a man yet because I cried. I bowed my head and cried.

Well, he isn’t in the story, but he lives on in Ox’s life entirely too long.

That there was nothing I could ever give him that would be so beautiful because the only things I owned that were beautiful were not mine to give away. My mother. Gordo. Rico, Tanner, and Chris. They were the only things I had.

Publisher: Tor Books

Rating: 7.5/10


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