
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Best Laid Plans

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Best Laid Plans (2021) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run)

Best Laid Plans

He looked at the situation and chose to acknowledge all the dimensions of it. Dimensions (as he thought of them) weren’t positive or negative. They were simply the truth of how he felt about things.

He cut off his thought spiral and pictured windshield wipers clearing the troubling images from his mind.

It was the year after that, around his nineteenth birthday, when the images had begun— broken, bloody thoughts forced into his head against his will: turn on the garbage disposal— see a mangled hand. Stop at the gas station— see it going up in flames. Watch a coworker climb a ladder— see it falling and smashing them to the ground. That they didn’t feel like his thoughts at all made them even more upsetting.

Publisher: Carina Adores

Rating: 8/10


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