
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Hard Spell

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Hard Spell (2011) Justin Gustainis (Occult Crimes Unit Investigation)

This is the city – Scranton, Pennsylvania.

My name’s Markowski. I carry a badge.   Also a crucifix, some wooden stakes, a big vial of holy water, and a 9 mm Beretta loaded with silver bullets.

I put a vial containing fresh crushed garlic in my shirt pocket. I could either repel a vampire or season some kielbasa, depending on how things worked out.

Cops on the Supe Squad spend as much time investigating crimes committed against supes as we do on crimes with a supe perpetrator, and the supe community knows that. If a cop is fair in his dealings with them, the supes remember.

Quincey (my hamster, who’s named after a hero of mine)

Do you have AOL Instant Messenger, or something similar? If so, what is your screen name?   

“Why do I feel weird about doing IM with a vampire?” I said out loud. “I mean, what would Dracula say about this shit?”

Publisher: Angry Robot

Rating: 8/10


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