
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Shelter in Garnet Run

Shelter in Garnet Run (2023) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run) We met River Mills in Best Laid Plans as one of the teens who hangs out in Rye’s derelict house, and again in Adam’s younger sibling in The Lights on Knockbridge Lane. Cassidy is an ethical taxidermist, often working with animals who were hit by cars. […]

The Pride of Garnet Run

The Pride of Garnet Run (2022) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run) (H)is brain was very loud, and he needed to put thoughts into music to quiet them down. “This place was built in 1927. This all used to be bigger, but they turned it from one screen to three in the fifties.” Published by Monster Press […]

Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans (2021) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run) He looked at the situation and chose to acknowledge all the dimensions of it. Dimensions (as he thought of them) weren’t positive or negative. They were simply the truth of how he felt about things. He cut off his thought spiral and pictured windshield wipers clearing the […]

Better Than People

Better Than People (2020) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run) Every day had dilated to a month, every night to a year, and Jack found himself wishing for anything— anything— to break the monotony of lying on the couch all day long and in bed all night. This part was always the hardest. The moment when he […]

The Holiday Trap

The Holiday Trap (2022) Roan Parrish Greta has had it with her family. She may love them, but that doesn’t change things. “I know it’s Chanukah and I know your family, but I must introduce you to my friend Boundaries, and her best friend, Also Boundaries.” Truman needs to get away. “I left. Excuse me […]

The Pride of Garnet Run

The Pride of Garnet Run (2022) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run) This is a Garnet Run story set between Best Laid Plans and The Lights on Knockbridge Lane that came out this fall. Cameron returned to Garnet Run after unable to work as a musician. He works as a barista because he never quite figured out […]

The Rivals of Casper Road

The Rivals of Casper Road (2022) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run) This is the fourth book in the Garnet Run series (actually the fifth, because there is a novella in there as well) and the characters from those stories all make appearances here. Every year, the residents of Casper Road have a Halloween house decorating contest. […]

The Remaking of Corbin Wale

The Remaking of Corbin Wale (2018) Roan Parrish Romance plus bakery The best bakeries had a cohesive vision. You didn’t want a counter selling bran muffins next to key lime tarts next to baklava next to polvorones. The menu needed to have range, but not feel chaotic— provide surprises, but not overwhelm. Even the bits […]


Rend (2018) Roan Parrish (Riven) Matt Argento was abandoned as a child, and from that moment on has never felt himself to be enough. To be deserving. He has a job he loves, but in the back of his mind he still expects everything to be taken away. “You were so used to things being […]


Riven (2018) Roan Parrish (Riven) This book is full of so many strong feelings and so much angst, yet bits and pieces of it kept tugging on my mind, so I decided to reread. “Don’t ever apologize for doing what you need to be okay,” he said. But still the shame trickled through me like […]

The Lights on Knockbridge Lane

The Lights on Knockbridge Lane (2021) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run) Adam had always wanted to be a father. What he didn’t expect was to end up a single parent, back in the hometown he ran away from as soon as he graduated, relying on his sibling to help him with child care. And Adam is […]

The Remaking of Corbin Wale

The Remaking of Corbin Wale (2017) Roan Parrish After his life blew up around him, Alex headed back to his home town to take over (and reinvent) his parent’s coffee shop. Down a boyfriend and a job in forty-eight hours, Alex hadn’t been sure which had been the bigger blow. Everything about this story is […]

Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans (2021) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run) This is another story where both characters have dealt with a lot, but we see they learned healthy ways to deal with their shit. He looked at the situation and chose to acknowledge all the dimensions of it. Dimensions (as he thought of them) weren’t positive or […]

Better Than People

Better Than People (2020) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run) One of the things that resonated so strongly with me was the misery of being laid up after a bad break that requires you to stay off your feet. Every day had dilated to a month, every night to a year, and Jack found himself wishing for […]

Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans (2021) Roan Parrish (Garnet Run) Charlie Matheson cares for people. It’s what he’s done since his parents died and he became guardian for his brother and took over the family business. Rye Janssen has spent his time bouncing from place to place, never finding a home. So when he learns that his […]