
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Early Autumn, Audio Book

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Early Autumn, Audio Book (1981) Robert B. Parker narrated by Michael Prichard (Spenser)

Early AutumnEnter Paul Giacomin, and some more Hawk.

“Paul Giacomin,” I said.

“Yes,” Susan said. “You said you wanted to talk about him.”

“But not while I’m watching the ball game.”

“Can’t you watch and talk at the same time? If you can’t, go buy me something to read.”

And I start to find Susan annoying.

I get this wasn’t what she thought she was getting into with Spenser, but still, it annoys me.

“Are you ready to be a father?”


“And where does this leave us?” she said.

“Same place we’ve always been.”

“Oh? Last time we went out to dinner it was a fun threesome.”

One of the things I’ve noticed is that Spenser spends money when he has it, and doesn’t worry about it too much when he doesn’t have it.

We had dinner at the Four Seasons, in the pool room, under the high ceiling near a window on the Fifty-third Street side. Paul had pheasant, among other things, and paid very close attention to everything Susan and I did. We had some wine, and the bill came to $182.37. I have bought cars for less.

Publisher: Random House Audio

Rating: 8/10


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