
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

A Savage Place, Audio Book

Saturday, November 18, 2023

A Savage Place, Audio Book (1981) Robert B. Parker narrated by Michael Prichard (Spenser)

Savage PlaceSpenser gets a call from Rachel Wallace that she has recommended him to a reporter in California. She won’t tell him anything other than the woman will be calling soon.

Candy Sloan is a reporter who wants to be more than a pretty face and sexy body. She wants to be taken seriously as a reporter, and says she has just the story to make her name: graft in the movie industry.

But she’s received serious threats so the station is willing to pay for a bodyguard.

There is a lot that happens here, much of which will affect Spenser for a long time to come.

His restaurant with Susan is such that he doesn’t have a problem sleeping with other women, but is aware of the double standard he holds that the idea of Susan sleeping with someone else is something he isn’t ok with.

Something important to remember about this book is that it was published in 1981, and the world was a very different place then, especially for women. Much of what happens comes from Candy pushing to be the one to break the story, to make her name.

But the important part comes at the end, when Spenser is forced to realize he is not, in fact, Superman, and cannot, in fact, fix or solve everything.

And the events of this book will echo for years (and several more books in the series).

Publisher: Random House Audio

Rating: 8.5/10


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