
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Proper English

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Proper English (2019) K.J. Charles

Proper EnglishSet in England in 1902

If Pat stayed, she would continue running Skirmidge House, and either she would resent Olivia for treating her as an upper servant, or Olivia would resent her for usurping her rights as head of the household

Pat did not corset. She had had no mother to train her waist to a span of eighteen inches or so; her father thought wasp-waists were for insects and preferred his daughter able to walk, climb trees, shoot, and run around the house.

“I’m so sorry. That’s wholly inadequate but I don’t know if there’s anything else one can say.”

“Not really. Certainly not, ‘At least you still have two left.’”

“Please don’t tell me people say that to you.”

“Of course they do,”

This still bugs me.

I mean my sister bedded an American jazz musician,”

But as the author is English, I have to let it slide. But no, that term would not have been in use in 1902.

Publisher: KJC Books

Lennan Adams at Lexiconic Design

Rating: 8/10


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