
Fantasy Mystery Romance Comics Non-Fiction

Phantom Pond

Monday, May 6, 2024

Phantom Pond (2023) Juneau Black (Shady Hollow)

Phantom PondIt’s Mischief Night, and everyone is ready for games and treats and tricks–and everyone knows not to go into the woods, or creeping Juniper, the witch who lives there, will get you.

First, I really love this series.

She jumped in surprise but then realized it was only a spider dangling from a silken thread. The spider must have come inside during the day, looking for a warmer place to set up shop.

“Oh, excuse me, I didn’t see you there,” Vera said to the spider.


“And we do have to visit Heidegger’s tree before we’re done.”

The raven nodded. “He does Mischief Night right. Granted, he tends to tell you the full history of each decoration, with citations, but it’s always spectacular.”

Damn. I’m Heidegger.

Characters: Vera Vixen, Lenore Lee, Orville Braun, Lefty, Joe Elkin, Ambrosius Heidegger, Gladys Honeysuckle

Cover design and illustration by Perry De La Vega

Publisher: Vintage

Rating: 8.5/10


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